The Colossi of Tutankhamun

The Colossi of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun Colossal Statue, front view.
This monumental statue of King Tutankhamun is one of two colossal representations of the king unearthed at Medinet Habu, within the remains of the Hypostyle Hall of the Funerary Temple of King Ay and Horemheb. One of the most beautiful representations of the boy king we at Living Horus Designs have ever seen.

Crafted from quartzite, this statue stands approximately 5 metres tall. Traces of paint still cling to it, offering a glimpse into its original appearance despite damage to the face and missing limbs. Tutankhamun is depicted wearing a traditional kilt, known as a "shendyt" in Ancient Egypt, with a falcon-headed dagger tucked into his waistband. Hieroglyphs spelling out his throne name adorn what seems to be his belt-clip, indicating a possible usurpation by Horemheb. He is adorned with a usekh collar and a nemes headdress adorned with royal blue and yellow (or gold) patterns, reminiscent of his famous death mask.

Tutankhamun Colossal Statue Face Detail
His eyes are outlined, his brows are black and elegantly arched, and although his false royal beard is damaged, the band around his jaw remains intact, providing insight into its original appearance. The uraeus on his forehead has suffered damage, possibly deliberate, given Tutankhamun's controversial lineage, which was later erased by subsequent kings like Akhenaten during his Amarna revolution. However, his nose and the majority of his mouth remain intact, suggesting that the damage might not have been due to spiritual retribution but rather to usurpation or simply the passage of time. Despite its imperfections, this painted colossal statue of Tutankhamun is a testament to the skill and effort invested in creating royal statues during the New Kingdom period, even amidst the king's short reign, potential health issues, and Egypt's challenging socio-political circumstances.

Tutankhamun Colossal Statue Full Front View

The other colossal statue of Tutankhamun, also discovered at Medinet Habu, resides at the Oriental Institute Museum of Chicago. This Tutankhamun colossal statue, standing at the same height as it's twin and weighing approximately 6 tons, is the tallest Ancient Egyptian statue in the Western Hemisphere. Crafted from quartzite like its counterpart in Cairo's Egyptian Museum, it is comparatively less damaged. The museum has painstakingly reconstructed the colossal statue using fragments, allowing the king to stand tall over three millennia after his reign. The reconstructed parts include the base, lower legs, arms, beard, and nose.

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  Tutankhamun Nemes Headdress  Living Horus Tutankhamun Lapis-lazuli Usekh Collar
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